Tuesday, June 13, 2023
The Basics
Love or hate Trump, consider the basics. He was raided by armed FBI agents and indicted for…”mishandling documents,” his documents from his time as president, something other presidents, vice presidents, and a Secretary of State had done with significantly greater transgression. Seriously. That’s it. Period.
This is so transparently unjust and undemocratic that it’s almost laughable. And, it’s all being done under the direction of Trump’s opponent in the last and upcoming election. An opponent who can’t possibly win without massive election fraud and manipulation. The leftist industrial complex has essentially shown us that, in the future, voters will only be permitted to choose from candidates pre-chosen — the uniparty. Any candidate who is successful but strays too much from the state’s agenda will be persecuted and destroyed.
They are seriously contemplating convicting a former president and sending him to prison for the debatable transgression of “mishandling documents.” …While Hillary Clinton and Joe Biden skate.
And, never forget, this is all because the left hates him and hates him because he enforced immigration law, kept the U.S. out of war, lowered taxes, deregulated citizens from the oppressive hand of the unelected administrative state, and rallied citizens to prosper and love their country. And, who do they offer as an alternative; a senile autocratic puppet of globalist totalitarians.
…Tulsi Gabbard’stake in the issue.